Instruction Manuals - Control Panels
Industrial Control Panels and Instruments
Instruction Manuals of Process Control Instruments and
Industrial Automation Solutions, Control Panel Diagrams, Wiring,
and Facia.
Temperature and Pressure Controllers
form a large part of Process control Instrumentation. Then you
have Flow, Humidity and many more custom parameters.
Temperature Control with PID and SSR
All Real Life Physical Phenomena are reduced to Analog
Numbers by Sensors and Transducers. This analog
value is amplified and linearized and brought into standardized
windows like 1-5 Volts or 4-20mA and more.
These Analog Values go to Analog Closed Loop Controllers or
Meters for Measurement and Control. In Embedded Controllers,
the Analog is converted to Digital ( At least 12 bit, 8
bits are cheap not used for industrial automation, more than 16
bits is not required as sensor accuracy/linearity never
transgress such precision )

Embedded Process Controllers may use Microcontrollers with
Floating Point Arithmetic, Lookup Table, Logic and Basic Math.
Advanced Controllers may use DSP and Complex Algorithms for
Adaptive control. (self learn, fuzzy logic.).
Here are some Controllers i used to
Make and Sell long ago. Not anymore.
Here is a instruction sheet for a 3 wire transmitter. It
Amplifies the uV signals from a K type Thermocouple,
Chromel-Alumel. The output is a strong 4-20mA which is fit
for looping and driving a Controller an Alarm and an
Analog Recorder too.
24 V DC Three Wire
Thermocouple Transmitter 4-20 mA
8 Bits D/A may be used when a control signal is needed, like
4-20 mA Control Output driving a Thyristor PWM bank. Here
8 Bit is enough when the thyristor bank drives large heaters.
The thermal inertia and delay makes very precise control nearly
based PID Controller
When a parameter needs to be controlled in a tiny area,
precision control is possible. A 16 Bit control signal is
required. The system/thermal design here is more important than
the controller, they have to be tandem for obtaining repeatable
precision control.
Vacuum Impregnation System Panel Design