Computer Data Interface
Computer Interface :
The PC is now an economic and common equipment at home or
office. Due to
Open source and GNU
Linux, many professional programs and environments are
easily accessible. To interface it to the real world is a step
in learning Automation and Robotics.
In Automation we have both Industrial and Home. You can start
with home automation, as industrial automation is more
complex. But in Home Automation, Safety First should be
emphasized, Any neglect in care of electrical hazards will
neutralize any advantage of Home Automation.
mV Switch for Digital Meters - How a Analog Mux is used
for more test points.
Here i will try to cover Digital and Computer Data Interface,
Device Networking, Data Communications, Analog to Digital
Interface. Internet of Things - IoT and Wireless Networking.
Virtual Instrumentation.
Printer Port
Do not apply voltage above 5V to any pin of printer port, ensure
earthing is good, use
couplers for inputs and outputs if you are not sure. wrong
use will damage motherboard, these circuits should be used only
if your basics are very sound. see more at my
Ideas of
Digital Data Instrument Interface

Related pages in delabs
Desktop Server - Wireless
Peripheral Networking
A Green solution could be New Desktop Computing Standard - The
quiescent losses in this is only the wifi server cube, which can
serve 6 tablets or UMPC. So if 6-12 people are using computers,
many desktops need not be on. Tablets, Laptops and Notebooks
consume less power and run on batteries. Thin Custom Notebook
and Tablet Clients can use one OpenOffice on the WiFi
Application Server cube

Wireless Power for Wireless Peripherals
Objects kept on a electromagnetic table must be able to draw
energy from that. A Notebook or tablet can be just placed on
this table to get charged.
High speed data switch - Diodes as gates to route
hi-speed data in computers.
Wireless Mouse with capacitive sensors may consume less power,
no batteries works on a Supercap, Connector-less ferrite dock
for recharging.
RF Wireless Engineering -
Networking, Microwave.
Wireless mouse rechargeable battery can recharge while moving on
the Mouse Pad made of Ferrite/Ceramic 1′ Sq with Power Hot Spots
every 3″
Flexible Ferrite, Silicone & Ferrite based Solid emulsion.
Can be made as computer table mats to charge the supercaps of
peripherals. - Idea
Efficient Wireless Peripherals can just be placed on this
mat to draw the power without wires. Wireless power and Wireless
Digital Timer Internet Widget
Here is is gadget GUI for Industrial Process control, WebApps.
The buttons make a sound and Light up internal LED lamps. Power
On-Off control,
Timer; Start, Reset Scroll and Select are the controls.
I will first make some simple examples with this UI. Then i will
try to interface the javascript with PHP-MYSQL Application. This
makes a Globally Distributed Process Control Possible.
Digital Timer Gadget Visual Interface
The advantage is that the industrial process or Home automation
can be monitored and controlled on any computer including
tablets which has a Browser. The plant automation or Home
appliance can be regulated even as you travel back from factory
to home. A Wireless Lan and Computer with Browser is all you
Some of these ideas and concepts above are over a decade old and
first posted in delabs tech blogs