Proportional Process Controller Specifications
Front Panel Controls
Unlike a On Off temperature controller that works like a
Thermostat. A Proportional controller turns on for a duration
proportional to the heating required to ramp up the process.
with digital display for PTC1000
If the set value and process value have a large difference the
On period may be 90%. When the process value is close to set
value, the on period is like 10%.

The on off cycle time is 10 seconds for electromagnetic relays.
it could be 1 second for SSR. It could reduce further for mosfet
switching. This is similar to PWM.
Display - Process Value PV
This is a 3 1/2 digit display which shows the process value from
000 to 1999 as chosen by user it could be deg C, Kg/cm2 or
Push Switch - Displays Setpoint
This is a push switch which when pressed, makes Display
read SetPoint as required by user to control his process.
On-Output Status
LED Indicates Relay ON or OFF in Relay and Pulse Output Units.
Units with 0-10V or 4-20mA, Output LED is always OFF.
Vary SetPoint SP
This is an endless 10 Turn Potentiometer this is used to adjust
SetPoint (SP) in tandem with Push Switch. Turning Clockwise it
Increments SP till max. value, then turn anticlockwise to bring
SP to Zero. Use a Plastic Screwdriver or Trimmer.(Tester).
Basic Operation
Press Push Switch to make Display read SetPoint (SP), this is
the user defined point at which process is controlled. Now
holding Push Switch pressed, adjust SP Pot to change Set Point
to required value, use a small screwdriver.
Back Panel Termination
INPUT : 4 to 20 mA, Fused, Polarity is Important. From Sensor,
DC Current.
OUTPUT : 4 to 20 mA, Polarity is Important. To Output Device or
Actuator, which by using DC Current, drives 0% 4mA, 50% 12mA and
100% 20mA in Linear fashion.
SUPPLY : 230V 50Hz - L, N, E. Connect Proper Earth.
BAND : This is a Single Turn Potentiometer (300 deg) it sets the
Proportional Band of Control. Wide and Narrow are the ends of
RESET : This is a Ten Turn Potentiometer (endless) it sets the
Integral or Reset or Error Cal. Inc. PV and Dec. PV
are the two ends of pot.
Electrical Precautions -
- Wrong Connections are the cause of most equipment failure.
- Use Servo stabilizer for extra protection.
- Use a Very good earth connection.
- Use Fuses where appropriate.
- Crimp and Solder all Lugs.
- 4 to 20mA, 4mA 0% & 20mA 100%. < 4mA OFF, > 20mA
- 4-20mA Maximum Voltage @12V DC ie Shunt 10 Ohms to 500
- Protection - use external fuse of 0.1A to safeguard from
high energy circuits.
4 to 20mA, 4mA Displays 0% of Process Value ‘000’ & 20mA
Displays 100% of Process Value. This is to be specified by user
as ... an example 750 Lts/hr.
Input @ 20 Ohms Shunt in STC1000PFC. Protection - Internal fuse
of 2A and Semiconductor Protection Circuits to
safeguard from high energy circuits.
Environmental Limitations :
- Delicate Precision Instrument
- Maximum 50 Deg C, 70% RH Non-Condensing
- Acid-Alkali-Salt Free area.
- Equipment may fail if environment is Hot / Corrosive /
Cleaning and Maintenance : No Maintenance required, Clean front
panel with moist sponge & Mild Detergent.
Power Supply : 230V AC 50Hz +/- 10%, Sine wave UPS & DG
and Temperature Control
Proportional Temperature Controller
A Temperature controller made with above process controller has
the following changes in specs.
On-Output Status
LED Indicates SSR ON or OFF. Pulse Output goes High Max 15V or
Low 0V. High Pulse turns on SSR. and this is Indicated by LED
turning ON.
Display - Process Value PV
This is a 3 1/2 digit display which shows the Temperature value
in Deg. Centigrade
INPUT : Thermocouple, Polarity is Important.
OUTPUT : DC Pulse Polarity is Important. To SSR. Pulse Maximum
Voltage 12V DC at a Load of 250 Ohms.
Read More here - Analog
Control Circuits
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