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Electronic Engineering Schematics
Types of Resistors - Color code
The simplest electronic component next to the insulated
copper-wire is this Resistor. You know that wire itself is a
resistor and longer the wire the higher the resistance. It
starts in Micro-Ohms for thick short wires and goes to
Milli-Ohms and even Ohms in very very long and thin wires. That
is the reason copper is chosen.
Started in Electronics
Resistors start from Wires to Wirewound Types. Carbon Film
Resistors are most Common, Metal Film Resistors are more stable
and accurate. We have now SMD types with lower power some are
Laser Trimmed Types for accurate values. Resistors Arrays are
used in Digital Circuits. Some tutors of mine are made into EE
Web Widgets.
Analog Tutors
Gold has low contact resistance, an excellent conductor and
corrosion resistant.Hence they use it in Connectors. Nickle has
good wear and abrasion resistance, it finds application in
switches. Nichrome an alloy has a high resistance and used in
heaters.Carbon too is used in electrodes and bushes. When carbon
or metal is coated as a thin film on a ceramic base/substrate,
we have the Metal and Carbon Film Resistors.The thin film is cut
and ground to get the resistor value close to what was needed.
You can scrape the paint off a 1/2 Watt Resistor and experiment
with a blade.

Wirewound resistors could be Copper or Manganin for shunts or
low values and Ni-Cr for Higher Values. You cannot wind a 1
Mega-Ohm by the wire-wound method, it would be expensive and
have high-inductance and you will need a very thin wire. MEMS
may make such things possible without winding wires but Watts or
Power Capability and Dielectric Withstand capacity or Voltage
Rating will be very low.
See an Example of Color Code Reading
1st band - 1st digit - Yellow = 4
2nd band - 2nd digit - Violet = 7
3rd band - Red = 2 (zeros)
Means Two Zeros Follow - 4700 ohms - 4.7 kilo ohms or 4k7 like
in Philips Circuits.
For 4 banded ones, MFR 1% first 3 bands represent first three
digits, and fourth band stands for the number of zeros that
follow. 4.7k will be Yw VtBk Bn.
Right End Band is for tolerance
Brown Band 1% -- MFR Metal Film Resistor is used in
Instrumentation Electronics.
Gold Band 5% -- CFR Carbon Film Resistor is common for
Consumer Electronics.
Silver Stripe is 10%

Some Resistors in the Industry
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20th May 2020
Resistor Color Code Picture