Working with SMD and SMT PCB

One thing tho, i would like to request you to send me some procedures on how to work with surface mount devices (SMD’s). I cant get the IC as DIP so i have no choice but improvise an SMD. What is your most professional advice on this? Is it possible you could help me with any procedures for using an SMD on a PCB circuit?.
mail from CM
Study These Links……… – SMD Surface Mount Device and SMT Surface Mount Technology
you may need a big tabletop magnifier with light and a fine tip soldering iron to get started. It may be difficult and needs a lot of practice, but many people are able to do it.
Surface-mount technology – Wiki
An SMT component is usually smaller than its through-hole counterpart because it has either smaller leads or no leads at all. It may have short pins or leads of various styles, flat contacts, a matrix of solder balls (BGAs), or terminations on the body of the component.
Introduction to Surface Mount Technology and Surface Mount Devices
By Dean F. Poeth, II, Ph.D., P.E., C.Mfg.E.
For the Small Manufacturer and Hobbyist: Prototype Manufacturing, Rework, and Repair Techniques
SMDs have improved performance over through-hole components due to their smaller size, shorter internal leads, and smaller board layouts. These factors reduce the circuitโs parasitic inductance and capacitance. SMDs can also be more cost effective than traditional through-hole components due to the smaller board size, fewer board layers, and fewer holes.
Hints and Tips for using Surface Mount Technology (SMT)
What is Surface Mount Technology? Put Simply – It is a type of electronic component
package. Most electronic components can be divided into two categories – through hole (TH)
and surface mount (SM). Through-hole components have been used for many years and are
designed to be loaded on one side of a printed circuit board (PCB) and soldered on the other.
SM components are designed to be loaded and soldered on the same side of the PCB.
Luke Enriquez. Rev 1.3. August 2001.
VK3EM PO Box 98, Kerrimuir, Vic. 3129. Australia