Temperature Meters with Analog Recorder Output

I would like to know if you offer a monitoring solution that will constantly measure ambient (air) temperature (say, 0 to 150°F), and provide a corresponding DC voltage output of either 100 mV, 1 V, 5 V, or 10 V. Do you make a unit that can be configured to do this?
Mail From JPE – WV – US
Analog outputs were very popular as they are inputs to Strip Chart Recorders, Later they had an extra use for PC Based Data Acquisition, data Loggers and PLC. Now we have Instruments with digital and wireless outputs too.
Temperature Meters – DP116 – Omega
Economical 3/64 DIN panel meter that has a full size 0.56″ green or red LED display, with a built-in analog output and display hold capability. 3 1 /2 Digit Display.
Features Include
- Thermocouple and RTD Input
- Full-Size 0.56″ (14.2 mm) LED Display
- Analog Output Standard
- 1 /8 DIN Panel Adaptor Standard
Economical Digital Meters DP18 – Omega
The DP18 series is a complete family of panel meters with input cards for voltage, process and temperature measurement and control. The signal conditioners for voltage will measure ac or dc voltages or true RMS.
Modular Design, Options for Alarms, Analog Output of Communications, 3 1/2-Digit LED Available in Red or Green Displays