Temperature with Timer Triggers Counter
I’m looking at an idea for a circuit design; The idea is to sense a temp of 130 degrees and then light an LED and start a timer delay. The delay would be 3...
I’m looking at an idea for a circuit design; The idea is to sense a temp of 130 degrees and then light an LED and start a timer delay. The delay would be 3...
This is a demo of the popular 555 timer. you can try out the project on this page by a javascript simulation. Press the Red button below to turn on the circuit press it...
The CD4020BC, CD4060BC are 14-stage ripple carry binary counters, and the CD4040BC is a 12-stage ripple carry binary counter. The counters are advanced one count on the negative transition of each clock pulse. The...
This was a attempt to make a Sequential Timer with ICM7217 of Intersil, even though it worked well, it was not developed beyond the prototype stage or first iteration. Only when a product is...
It is called analog dial timer as it has no digital display, but the chip is digital it is CD4541. It is Mains operated, you could make on-delay or off-delay. By changing the caps...
This is an example of a cascaded or sequential timer, here two CD4541 are forming a two stage timer. You can add more in a chain, but better to use a microprocessor or Microcontroller...
U1 CD4541 is a Timer with Long Duration Ability. This timer is started by a low pulse from earlier circuit, when the temperature goes above setpoint, a low state is at U2A inputs, this...
I’m looking for a source of decade counters and wonder if you can help? I don’t want to build the counter, I want to buy a functioning counter module. Do you have source suggestions?...