Tagged: Audio-Sound


Passive volume control

please if you don’t mind I need to help to find a control circuit for volume of speaker 4 ohm or 8 ohm located in the another room far away of cassette or CD...

Graphic Equalizer Circuits

plz send me sound equalizer circuits. – email by AH …. In the graphic equalizer, the input signal is sent to a bank of filters. Each filter passes the portion of the signal present...


Hypersonic Speakers – Acoustic Heterodyning

i have been searching for any technical help regarding my project, hypersonic speakers,but my efforts were in vain. hypersonic speakers are interesting to work upon. kindly guide if if you have any knowledge regarding...


Speech Recorder and Sound Syntheizer

I needed some help with available ics to build a small sound recorder able to hold about 120 seconds of audio, preferebly voice. I managed to find one that uses an ISD25xx series ic,...