Single Chip dual power supply

message: Hello, I want to know the single IC which can provide Both + V and -V from a single +Vin supply.. I need this for my dual supply opamp.Reply me as soon as possible. – ย Thank u.
Mail from KM
There were chips, but now obsolete as most use a smps circuits. you can try this RS232C Level Converter it has -10 and +10 that can power low-power cmos opamps and chips. Use LM7912 and LM7812l you will need two chips, there was a LM326 but not now. See Linear Regulated Dual Polarity Power Supply
When a Inverting Opamp Configuration is at a steady state, we say the Inverting Input is at a Virtual Ground. That means it is at 0V w.r.t to the dual power supply ground, but it cannot drive or draw any current. It is at a high impedance, but still at 0V. When you buffer this 0 V, you get a low signal ground for a opamp supply. Opamp generates Virtual Ground. See this a Isolated dual power supply from 5V
I am very happy to see ur reply.I am appreciating ur job. Ok.. Ur information is most useful for me.. We ill meet with another problem.. Thank u..
Mail from KM