Power Supply Regulators and MOSFET Transistor

HELLO THERE …COULD anybody pls help me with a place to get more information on the following components…cant seem to find it anywhere.
W20NB50 W8NB100 found them in a liteon power supply pack for a database supply. i just don’t know what they stand for. …saw on a web page that it is produced by ST micro electronics. i went there but no show ..can somebody pls help?
post by FP
W20NB50 ST Power MOSFET Transistors TO-247 N-Ch 500 Volt 20 Amp
W8NB100 ST Power MOSFET Transistors TO-247 N-Ch 1000 Volt 8 Amp
Use IRF840 or
Vishay IRFP460 – Fast switching, ruggedized device design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness. The TO-247 package is preferred for commercial-industrial applications . 500V 20A device.
Junction design of a Mosfet
“The source-to-body and drain-to-body junctions are the object of much attention because of three major factors: their design affects the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of the device, lowering output resistance, and also the speed of the device through the loading effect of the junction capacitances, and finally, the component of stand-by power dissipation due to junction leakage.”
Updated – July 2013