Millivolt Source – Field Calibration Current Loop

This is easy to rig millivolt source for field calibration or troubleshooting of 4-20 mA current loops. Here a Darlington pair is used for current amplification which reduces the Ib error as gain is very high.
EE Design Library – Electronic Product Design Resource.
A rotary switch selects, 4-12-20 mA Preset points. A Bourns multi-turn wirewound Pot can also be used with a digital dial. Enclose in a dust proof handheld box. Read more on process calibration.
A mA source terminated with a 10 Ohm or 100 Ohm can turn it into a mV Source. The Resistor should be above 1W and has good temperature stability. Use MFR 1 % many in parallel to get a Instrument shunt if you do not get any.