Making Coils and Transformers

Message – Can we make Coils and small transformers at home. I have copper wire and some lamination in my stores. – 2005
Making Transformers with good isolation and safety is a task for a firm and a home user must learn those skills by working in a winding company first.
As this is a general question many ask i am posting some educational pages. here…Coils and Transformers – Magnetics, Inductors, Chokes,ย Ferrites – Iron and Copper, Electromagnetism, Alloys, Insulators
We have low frequency and high frequency transformers and coils in power electronics and electrical engineering. Then we have signal coils and transformers used in communications.
Low frequency transformers are made of a core of iron alloys in the form of insulated laminates to reduce hysteresis and eddy current losses. The copper wire insulated by a thin insulating enamel coat is used to wind the primary and secondary coils.
Coils and Transformers for SMPS, In Switching Power supplies and RF Circuits, the coils and transformers have many types of cores. Ferrites, Powder Iron, Air and others.
This page provides practical guidance for students, staff and researchers at this University who need to wind their own inductors, transformers or solenoids. The types of wound components available, and their applications, are so varied that only general guidelines can be provided.
Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)
Compact fluorescent lamps have some benefits in comparison with classic light bulbs. It is lower power consumption (to 80%) and much longer lifetime (5 to 15 times). Disadvantages are longer starts mainly at more expensive types, impossibility to use darker and price.
In the good old times it was a matter of fact that every electronic hobbyist or technician would wind himself any power transformers he needed, and rewind any that burned out. Unfortunately, nowadays transformer winding is fast becoming a lost art, and I have seen many people despair about where to find some very specific transformer, or pull their hair out about the cost of having one professionally wound to specifications.
I used to view the inductors of RF circuits in books and magazines as problematic, often shunning any radio circuit having coils which are difficult to find . RF inductors of the correct value, unlike standard components, are not easy to buy, if at all. However, there are some great radio circuits around and it’s a pity not to be able to reproduce them just because you normally can’t acquire their coils off-the shelf.
Inductors/Coils and Transformers and even Solenoids are magnetics. Core Type, Insulation Quality and Number of Turns and Thickness of Copper wire determine its function and performance. Making your own magnetic is
the best way to understand their nature. Insulation/Isolation is themost important aspect of product safety in SMPS.