Wiki Pages

110 Op-Amp Projects

Essentially a high-gain dc amplifier, with a high input and low output impedance, the modern op-amp has a multitude of practical applications both in the home and in industry. This handbook, which should prove...

Intersil Hot Ideas Mixed CMOS Revolution

These helped me build Intelligent Instruments in the 80s. Intersil was with GE earlier, innovators of   advanced CMOS before anybody else. They made the smartest chips when the Microprocessors were being examined Skeptically by engineers....

Motorola Semiconductor Circuits Manual

Practical circuits with Power Semiconductors like Thyristors, SCR and Power Transistors. Designs of Bulb Dimmer, Motor Speed Control and Inverters. RF Transmitters. This manual discusses some of the many practical circuits using power semiconductors....

Electrical and Electronic Symbols

Found these in openclipart and wikipedia, A collection of basic electrical symbols you ought to know. You could use these symbols to add in your documentation by cut and paste from an image editor.