Desoldering Methods

Dear Solderman, i hope you know how to dessolder a wave soldered component from a board. There is problem because the pins are two face soldered. – thanks
mail from JS
Sending a few sites, read them all and then tell me.
A component with one or two connections to the PCB can usually be removed by heating one joint, pulling out an end of the component while the solder is molten (bending the other lead to do so), and repeating for the second joint. Solder filling the hole can be removed with a pump or with a pointed object made of a material which solder does not wet, such as stainless steel or wood.
One of the most frustrating parts of building electronic circuits is getting something wrong. For a board that should take ten minutes to put together, you could spend an hour just trying to fix a component that you got backwards. Sadly, desoldering itโs not as easy as soldering in reverse.
Desoldering requires two main things: a soldering iron and a device to remove solder. Soldering irons are the heat source used to melt solder. Irons of the 15W to 30W range are good for most electronics/printed circuit board work.
Desoldering is a topic that no one seems to get to excited about until the time comes when people discover that a lot of damage is being done during this operation.