Category: Test-Measurement
This is easy to rig millivolt source for field calibration or troubleshooting of 4-20 mA current loops. Here a Darlington pair is used for current amplification which reduces the Ib error as gain is...
Over the last few days I’ve been playing around with an old small black and white tv….I did the infamous “Oscilloscope on your TV” thing that’s all over youtube and the rest of the...
“Imagine you have a radio receiver and you wish to display the receiving frequency. As you know the oscillator in a radio receiver works 455 kHz or 10.7 MHz above the receiving frequency. The...
This is a Test arrangement for Leakage Testing of Diodes on Reverse Bias. The leakage current indicates the ability of the diode to withstand higher voltages. An AutoTransformer or Variac can be used to...
This Circuit helps in the monitoring of mains supply voltage. It does not use a isolation step down transformer. This has to be constructed only by skilled people with knowledge of safety requirements. C1...
This is a Digital Panel Meter based on ICL7107. This was the workhorse Digital Readout chip before Low power uC designs were developed. Even now it is the easiest way an analog parameter can...
This is a R-2R Digital to Analog Converter, It converts a byte (8 bit) to a analog value. It has 256 levels including zero. This was the first Digital Pot i Built decades back...
I don’t remember if this circuit worked properly. But a few were made and i might not have shown the modifications that were done to make it work. This was meant to be a...