0-1V to 4-20 mA Converter
This two opamp circuit converts analog voltage signals to current (sink) signals in a proportional manner. Current signals are more immune to noise and cross talk, hence long wires can be used. Voltage Signal...
This two opamp circuit converts analog voltage signals to current (sink) signals in a proportional manner. Current signals are more immune to noise and cross talk, hence long wires can be used. Voltage Signal...
This Circuit helps in the monitoring of mains supply voltage. It does not use a isolation step down transformer. This has to be constructed only by skilled people with knowledge of safety requirements. C1...
The OP07 is in a non inverting amplifier so as not load the mV of thermocouple, the zeners are to protect circuit if junction contacts heaters or the earth gets broken. Thermocouple and Pt-100...
Two questions on Ramp Generators – I need a circuit design for a ramp generator. The ramp generator circuit that I’m looking for is a 1khz ramp generator capable of + to -50 v...