Resistance Measurement Analog LED Meter
This is a LED Analog Meter, This can be used as a Resistance Meter and Low Impedance Voltmeter for Battery Levels. To measure battery voltage, the R5-R12-R17 etc. part of the Reference Resistor Divider...
This is a LED Analog Meter, This can be used as a Resistance Meter and Low Impedance Voltmeter for Battery Levels. To measure battery voltage, the R5-R12-R17 etc. part of the Reference Resistor Divider...
This is easy to rig millivolt source for field calibration or troubleshooting of 4-20 mA current loops. Here a Darlington pair is used for current amplification which reduces the Ib error as gain is...
When a Inverting Opamp Configuration is at a steady state, we say the Inverting Input is at a Virtual Ground. That means it is at 0V w.r.t to the dual power supply ground, but...
The proximity switch can work for a wide range of power, from 8v to 18v DC, D3 protects reverse power supply connections, and U1 regulates the supply to +5v , -5v is derived from...