Simple Sample and Hold with CD4066
A sample and hold is like an analog memory. If The digital control A is low 4066 switch is open, and when A is high switch is closed. U2B is a buffer so as...
A sample and hold is like an analog memory. If The digital control A is low 4066 switch is open, and when A is high switch is closed. U2B is a buffer so as...
I read your post which is about, Digital gain control of Op-amp. I have some questions to ask, if possible. Please reply ASAP. I am student and I have a lab project to work...
ICL8038 and XR-2206 can help you build a Function Generator or Wavform Generator. It is needed along with the Oscilloscope and Power Supply on the Workbench. The ICL8038 waveform generator is a monolithic integrated...
This is a Voltage to pulse converter using opamps for measuring speed or rate from a Tacho Motor mechanical coupled to a Conveyor System. See the complete circuit in my site to study other...