Three Opamp Differential Instrumentation
This is the best Instrumentation OpAmp, Great CMRR, ensure supply has no ripple and keep analog and digital grounds separate. Ri can be replaced with a trimpot and resistor to alter gain. Connect a...
This is the best Instrumentation OpAmp, Great CMRR, ensure supply has no ripple and keep analog and digital grounds separate. Ri can be replaced with a trimpot and resistor to alter gain. Connect a...
This is part of a precision High Voltage but Low current Power Supply for Testing leakage currents in passive devices. This Supply is a module for a Automatic Test system in component inspection.
LM399 is a Precision Reference chip. From this a dual polarity mirrored reference is derived using OP07 op-amps. This assembly is mounted in a miniature oven to ensure temperature stability.
This is a continuation of the previous two circuits. This circuit controls the temperature in a miniature oven that holds a stable dual voltage reference. In colder seasons or locations this will maintain the...