Voltage to Current Convertor using LM723
his Circuit converts a voltage control output from a Process Controller to be converted into a Current Control if the AC-Drive or Valve needs a Current Control Signal.. Significance of Current Loop 4 to...
his Circuit converts a voltage control output from a Process Controller to be converted into a Current Control if the AC-Drive or Valve needs a Current Control Signal.. Significance of Current Loop 4 to...
This shows how to OR gate two 555, when one 555 cycles at a low frequency a valve turns on an off, the second 555 stretches the ON duration of the pulse with a...
This is dual 555 multivibrator like power oscillator. This is my contraption and conception but couple of decades old. It appears to have errors. It worked but the document fixing after design worked, not...
This circuit shows the voltage doubler working with a 555. LM555 has good drive 200mA, both Vcc and Gnd. 555 has the advantage of having a high drive as well as being a Mixed...