Differential amplifier for HV Power Supply
This is part of a precision High Voltage but Low current Power Supply for Testing leakage currents in passive devices. This Supply is a module for a Automatic Test system in component inspection.
This is part of a precision High Voltage but Low current Power Supply for Testing leakage currents in passive devices. This Supply is a module for a Automatic Test system in component inspection.
LM399 is a Precision Reference chip. From this a dual polarity mirrored reference is derived using OP07 op-amps. This assembly is mounted in a miniature oven to ensure temperature stability.
A single Voltmeter or Digital Panel Meter DPM can monitor 8 Analog inputs from sensors or potentiometers using a Mux chip and creating simple digital controls for that. The Pushbutton Logically Interlocked Controls are...
This is a continuation of the previous two circuits. This circuit controls the temperature in a miniature oven that holds a stable dual voltage reference. In colder seasons or locations this will maintain the...