DC-DC SSR Solid State Relay
This is a DC Input DC Output SSR Solid State Relay. It was made for Printing or Photo Processing Equipment. It has an optical isolation and can be used for inductive loads. The R1...
This is a DC Input DC Output SSR Solid State Relay. It was made for Printing or Photo Processing Equipment. It has an optical isolation and can be used for inductive loads. The R1...
I have 36 water meters below ground level which are exposed to intermittent flooding and located throughout a four acre property. I would like to relocate the meter heads to a central location for...
The proximity switch can work for a wide range of power, from 8v to 18v DC, D3 protects reverse power supply connections, and U1 regulates the supply to +5v , -5v is derived from...
This is an Application note i used to give with my ssr – app012.pdf Diagram of SSR 5000 DC 3-30 Control / 230V AC N.O. @ 3A.
I’m working on a small electronics project but don’t know too much about designing circuits so I figure I would ask someone who knows and this seems like the place. Ok, What I’m looking...
Thank you for your assistance. My answers are by your questions. Hope this helps. This unit is more for troubleshooting a air flow problem. If the counter shows many 130 Degrees detected or alarm...
I’m looking at an idea for a circuit design; The idea is to sense a temp of 130 degrees and then light an LED and start a timer delay. The delay would be 3...
A Center tap 50Hz Step Down Transformer with two diodes is used to get a train of Positive Sine Pulses at 100Hz which is applied to Q6 base via R51. 2N2646 is a unijunction...