Normally Closed AC SSR
This is a Normally Closed PCB Mount SSR. That means when DC Control input is low, the triac is ON, the output passes the load current to turn on small heater-motor-lamp or a bigger...
This is a Normally Closed PCB Mount SSR. That means when DC Control input is low, the triac is ON, the output passes the load current to turn on small heater-motor-lamp or a bigger...
This is easy to rig millivolt source for field calibration or troubleshooting of 4-20 mA current loops. Here a Darlington pair is used for current amplification which reduces the Ib error as gain is...
When a Inverting Opamp Configuration is at a steady state, we say the Inverting Input is at a Virtual Ground. That means it is at 0V w.r.t to the dual power supply ground, but...
After a long time a thread of discussion. It is about digital interfacing of embedded system. Only Education Points listed. Initials and country of origin also will not be mentioned henceforth. When this Circuits...
message: what is insulation and isolation resistance, why and how it is measured? what are the consequences if it is not measured? 2008 Isolation Resistance and Insulation Resistance are both related to each other....
message: Greetings, I have a kit motor controller. I works just fine. It uses the NE556. I read some where ( on a NE555 )that I can change one of the capacitors with a...
Over the last few days I’ve been playing around with an old small black and white tv….I did the infamous “Oscilloscope on your TV” thing that’s all over youtube and the rest of the...
message: Hello there i am just wondering how i would go about trying to get a circuit designed? The situation i have is i have got a sound signal peak voltage at approx 0.3v....