Normally Closed AC SSR

This is a Normally Closed PCB Mount SSR. That means when DC Control input is low, the triac is ON, the output passes the load current to turn on small heater-motor-lamp or a bigger...


Digital Interface Basics

After a long time a thread of discussion. It is about digital interfacing of embedded system. Only Education Points listed. Initials and country of origin also will not be mentioned henceforth. When this Circuits...


DC Small Motor Control using PWM

message: Greetings, I have a kit motor controller. I works just fine. It uses the NE556. I read some where ( on a NE555 )that I can change one of the capacitors with a...


An Oscilloscope on your TV

Over the last few days I’ve been playing around with an old small black and white tv….I did the infamous “Oscilloscope on your TV” thing that’s all over youtube and the rest of the...