Author: delabs


The Return of Bright LED

From my Thunderbird archives. it may be interesting to read, maybe you may learn a thing or two. Many thanks for your quick reply – much appreciated. The FET solution is new to me,...


Driving a LED from MCU

I just read your blog and found it very helpful – thank you. I am working on a new toy project and have a problem I think you can help with. I am turning...

LM317 based Regulated Power Supply

This is a Regulated Power Supply based on the LM317 IC. It will need a Boost Power Transistor and heatsink for higher currents. It is a versatile building block for stable instrumentation supplies. Consumer...


UPS and Inverter Schematics

Do you perhaps have an inverter schematic for a sinewave inverter or stepped squarewave using the SG3525 chip. I’m also interested in connecting the inverter to the grid via a solar panel. I hope...


Making Coils and Transformers

Message – Can we make Coils and small transformers at home. I have copper wire and some lamination in my stores. – 2005 IJ – AF Making Transformers with good isolation and safety is...