Author: delabs


What is a Relay – Jim Asks

A text chat in long ago from my email records – 2007) Jim: hello,  delabs: hello Jim: i have a Small problem,it’s about would u pls give me an information about relays,pls give...


Soldering Iron Tip

Can I use stainless steel to replace a defective soldering iron tip? mail from EA Soldering iron tips are mostly alloys of copper. the thermal conductivity of steel is poor. buy a soldering iron...


Passive volume control

please if you don’t mind I need to help to find a control circuit for volume of speaker 4 ohm or 8 ohm located in the another room far away of cassette or CD...


Seven Segment LED display

how is the circuit for driving a seven segment led mail from EA A 7 segment LED display is used to display a number 0-9 using 7 LEDs, The circuit you design must have...


Winding Transformers and Coils

i would need your help in designing transformers for rechargeable lamps. i really don’t understand what the dots in front a coil stands for. all help (including pictures) would be really appreciated. my own...