An Oscilloscope on your TV

Over the last few days I’ve been playing around with an old small black and white tv….I did the infamous “Oscilloscope on your TV” thing that’s all over youtube and the rest of the web…grew bored with that, so I’ve decided I want to make it into a fully-functional scope that I can use in my lab. I was pleasantly suprised when I came across the one built in ’86, it suits all my needs, it was very generous of them to make the design public domain.
What I was wondering is if any improvements to the design was made. They mentioned the possibility of ramping up the bandwidth to 100 Mhz, and I’m looking at high-speed alternatives to the FETS and drivers and so forth. I am also looking into switching regulators to replace the transformers.
Do you have any suggestions as far as what the maximum current (and any other important ratings) should be for these replacement devices? Also, a few of the components in the schematics don’t have a part number…
1) Resistors and variable capacitors on the rotary switches
2) Transformers
3) FETs and PNP transistors on amp
If you could let me know the values on those components I’d be extremely grateful.
AT USA 2006
I am just leading you to some resources in the web. A Scope can never perform well on TV. It would be better you go for a USB PC Scope that are not only practical but professional too.
Miniature TV converted to oscilloscope – Inside the cabinet of a TV or computer monitor you will find at the back of the picture tube, the yoke coil assembly. Once you locate it, note the clamp that secures it to the picture tube.
The ยตSCOPE – A poormans OscilloScope A (good) oscilloscope was then a very expensive instrument available only to a happy few. As a result many electronics hobbyist made their own scope. The popular electronics magazines in the sixties and seventies were full of scope designs almost always based on vacuum tubes.