Analog Blind Dial On Delay Timer

It is called analog dial timer as it has no digital display, but the chip is digital it is CD4541. It is Mains operated, you could make on-delay or off-delay. By changing the caps and resistors or with even dip-switches you could get timing of few seconds to many hours. Circuit is Analog Timer 4541 .
Some timers energize the relay after a set delay on power start. Some start with relay energized and turn off after set time. Motors and big systems cannot take fast turn-on and turn-off, Some systems will require sections or modules to start one after another as they are interdependent. So Timers in automation were made to effect such delays, the early ones were mechanical clockwork.
The CD4541BC Programmable Timer is designed with a 16-stage binary counter, an integrated oscillator for use with an external capacitor and two resistors, output control logic, and a special power-on reset circuit. The special features of the power-on reset circuit are first, no additional static power consumption and second, the part functions across the full voltage range (3VยจC15V) whether power-on reset is enabled or disabled.
- Available division ratios 28, 210, 213, or 216.
- Increments on positive edge clock transitions.
- Built-in low power RC oscillator.
- Oscillator frequency range . DC to 100 kHz.
- Power on Auto reset initializes all counters.